Sculpture Canvas

Create without effort a highly refined and detailed 3D Painting. Extremely strong material for long lasting results. Is user-friendly and can be used for any composition or design.
Guidelines for creating a 3D painting

Step 1: Make a drawing with a pencil on your canvas as a guide. Shade the areas that you wish to remove. Use rounded chisels to shape your Sculpture Canvas®.
Step 2: Use rifflers and rasps for refining details or use a 80 grit sandpaper. Use 120 grit sandpaper for a smooth finish. Use a soft brush in between to remove dust and particles.
Step 3: Coat the surface with an acrylic binder or a quality gesso. Coat up to 2 times.
Step 4: Paint with any acrylic or oil paint brand.
Tips: You can repeat any step at any moment to improve your painting. Use your tools also to make textures and special structures in your
Sculpture Canvas®.

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